Ours was the first batch of 10+2 system which replaced higher secondary pattern. For us the board exams meant that there would be no internal assessment and thus riddance from maintaining class and homework note books for good. This freedom was somewhat subdued by the lurking fear of the board exam as also the pressure from teachers and parents who projected it as a matter of life and death. The pressure to do well was all too evident. We took full advantage of it and took to skipping classes to self-study on the pretext that it would help us score more marks. However, soon such exercise turned into playing and movie sessions. Our easy life was broken by the sudden visit of the Board team to inspect the school. The focus could be on our class, being the first batch of 10+2 system. The teachers were under pressure and warned us to come lanced with class and homework assignments. With only one month left for the board exam most of us had tossed our note books relying on guides and guess papers. I took the easier route and decided to skip the school on that day.

I went to school the next day and found the entire class with long faces outside the school gate. We were refused entry to the school and would be debarred from taking the board exam. It so happened that the decision which I took was also taken by all sans one, though independently (what a coincidence). The principal had very proudly marched the inspecting team to our class represented by one student. The principal got a solid dressing down which was promptly passed on to the teachers. The incident, to the staff, smacked of pre-planned mass absence and it was decided to teach us a lesson. We cried and pleaded for four days outside the school gate. There appeared to be a thaw on the fifth day and we were permitted to attend the classes. However, the permission to take the exams would be given only after the parents of all have met the principal. Getting parents to school on complaint was something which was considered, at that time, an absolute insult. We tried to dodge but the threat was real. Luckily, I was sick few days prior to the mass absence day and confused my mother relating the sickness day with the missing day. She told the principal that I was sick in bed that day. The others did not have this luck. Some were thrashed by parents in the school premises while others managed to get made up guardians who pretended taking them to task at home. The class though was saved of getting rusticated from the board exam and entering the history books.

The unexpected beneficiary was Satinder who avoided a duck for the class.  He was master in skipping classes and hardly ever attended any class and thus was blissfully unaware of the impending visit and the threat from teachers. He had come to show his face to the teacher to mark him present and there after run away for his usual morning film show when he was gratefully lapped up by the teacher. He paid heavily though, missing out on his filmy visits as he was for many days showcased in the morning assembly as a symbol of punctuality and the hero who saved a wash out for the class.







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