
Showing posts from April, 2024


  GUIDE LINES FOR POSTING ON SOCIAL MEDIA      Socrates (469-399), hailed as the wisest person was one day faced with a friend who excitedly told him, "Socrates do you know what I just heard about Diogenes?" Socrates replied, "Wait. Before you tell me, I will subject you to a test called 'triple filter test'. The first filter is TRUTH. Are you sure that what you are going to tell me is true." The man replied, "No ...I just heard about it." " Fine", said Socrates, " So, you do not know if it is true or not. Now we try the second filter of GOODNESS. Is what you are going tell me about Diogenes something good?" The person stumbled, "No, on the contrary...".  "So," Socrates continued, "You want to tell me something about Diogenes that may be bad, even though you're not certain it's true?" The person looked embarrassed. But Socrates continued,   "You may still pass the test though, because t